Louis P. Martini Endowed Chair in Viticulture Department of Viticulture and Enology Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

The Louis P. Martini endowment began as a research fund in 1994 to honor Louis P. Martini on his 75th birthday. The fund originated in 1989 by the Martini children, Carolyn, Michael, Peter, and Patricia as a surprise gift for their father. Well-wishers added to the fund during the birthday celebration.
Louis P. Martini is the son of wine dynasty founder, Louis M. Martini; their winery was one of the first wineries established after the repeal of Prohibition in 1933. Louis P. Martini studied at Davis when it was known as the University Farm under the mentorship of Dr. Maynard Amerine, graduating in 1941 with a degree from UC Berkeley. Six months later, the younger Martini was called into active duty by the US Army Air Force and didn’t return home until January of 1946. Louis P. assumed the leadership of the winery in 1968. He was a gentle giant of a man who worked side-by-side with his son, Michael, until his passing of cancer in 1998.
List of Chairholders:
1st: M. Andrew Walker 2000-Present
Endowments are critical to attracting and sustaining outstanding scholars for key faculty positions. Of the 91 endowed chairs enjoyed by the UC Davis campus, 23 belong to the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Five faculty members in the department of Viticulture and Enology have distinguished themselves as leaders in their fields and hold the title, Endowed Chair. The endowments are: The Maynard Amerine Endowed Chair, held by Dr. Linda Bisson; the John E. Kinsella Chair in Food, Nutrition and Health Department of Viticulture and Enology, held by Dr. Andrew Waterhouse; the Stephen Sinclair Scott Endowed Chair in Enology Department of Viticulture and Enology, held by Dr. Roger Boulton, the Louis P. Martini Endowed Chair in Viticulture Department of Viticulture and Enology, held by Dr. Andrew Walker; and the Marvin Sands Endowed Chair, which supports the Department Chair.