The Viticulture & Enology Student Experiential Learning Fund (SELF) enhances student education by providing financial support for hands-on learning opportunities, professional development, and initiatives that enrich the academic experience. Generously funded by donors committed to student success, SELF offers flexible resources to meet diverse needs, eliminate barriers, and prepare students for career success.
What Is Eligible for Funding?
Funding is available to support a wide range of initiatives, including:
- Facilitating internships and international study experiences
- Undergraduate research projects
- Conference attendance and professional development
- Enhancing classroom learning with guest speakers, field trips, materials, or equipment
Note: These funds are not intended to replace typical support provided by a major professor, except in extenuating circumstances.
Who Can Apply?
Applications are welcome from Viticulture & Enology:
- Faculty
- Staff, including postdoctoral researchers
- Undergraduate students
- Graduate students

How to Apply
To apply, contact the Viticulture & Enology department Chair or Advising Office for a link to the application. Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the V&E Awards Committee.
For more information, please contact the Viticulture & Enology department Chair or Advising staff.